Business partnerships and commissioning
Equality For All currently have the capacity to take on commissioned contracts. We work with both local and national businesses and are looking to promote partnerships where appropriate. In addition to the wide range of holistic services detailed on our website, we can also fully tailor our packages to meet your business’ individual needs. We welcome the opportunity to develop and deliver new projects and services.
We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver our therapeutic activities in-house. Our trusted team of qualified session leaders are recruited specifically for their specialist skills within their fields. This enables us to provide the highest quality experience for our clients.
Historically, we successfully delivered a five year commissioned service for Bradford District Care Foundation Trust. The wealth of experience we gained working in the high pressured, fast-paced and demanding environment of Bradford’s acute mental health wards sets our organisation apart within the district. We have the experience, knowledge and skills to confidently and capably support and empower adults with severe and enduring mental health behaviours and social and emotional needs. We are able to engage effectively within situations of increasing complexity and challenge; for example, when working with clients with multi-agency input, complex health issues and multiple and significant risk factors. We regularly carry out detailed reviews of progress against our agreed performance indicators so that our provision is explicitly devised to meet the unique needs of both our clients and the businesses we partner with.
Why do business with us?
- Community organisations have a significant social and economic impact and make a vital contribution to helping the public sector save money and deliver better services. We can deliver important preventative services, helping to reduce GP visits and hospital stays, for example.
- We promote an ethical, non-discriminatory approach.
- As customers, employees and suppliers begin to place more value on corporate social responsibility initiatives, businesses are increasingly looking to this as a means of strengthening their companies whilst contributing to society. Corporate social responsibility can add to a company’s credentials in a competitive market.
- Where required, we can provide insight into and evidence on community needs, engage service users in consultation processes and contribute evidence of the impact of services.
- Local, community organisations often have the trust of people which public bodies deem ‘hard to reach’, and can support public bodies to engage with and meet those communities’ needs.
Please contact us for further details or for our pricing structures and availability.
We work to reduce suicide rates and hospital admissions in the district, to prevent our clients from reaching crisis point and to prevent the reoccurrence of mental illness via intervention and specialised support. On average, 40 people die every year due to suicide in the Bradford District (2001-2017). EFA aims to enable our clients to have less dependency on services and more support in order to empower them to self-manage.
What We Do
Therapeutic Activities
We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver our wide range of therapeutic activities in-house.
Cycling For All
We offer therapeutic cycling sessions by utilising safe, rural spaces, bringing people closer to nature.
Eco Therapy
These nature-based interventions aim to improve mental, physical and social wellbeing.
Equine Therapy
Our equine therapy project has proven to be a successful holistic activity with numerous benefits.
Music Therapy
Our music workshops are suitable for complete beginners and those with previous experience. The workshops are taught by trained facilitators with a wealth of industry experience.
Art Therapy
Our art workshops unlock social and economic potential whilst improving emotional health and wellbeing. We provide participants with the opportunity to feel inspired.
Physical Health
We offer a diverse range of physical activities including circuit training, yoga, dance/exercise to music, boxercise, reggaecise, abs blast, team building sports and resistance training.
Self-care & Wellbeing
Our therapeutic make-up sessions and tutorials are facilitated by a qualified make-up artist. The pamper sessions are delivered by our qualified aromatherapist.
Support Us
As a social enterprise we need your help to be able to provide much needed support services; we can't do it all on our own. If you would like to help in any way you can follow one of the links below to find out more.
We're Here To Help!
Equality For All C.I.C.
c/o DHEZ Academic
University Of Bradford
Phoenix SW Building
Driveway off Shearbridge Road
Call Us
07962 582443